Static is in the Air.

Facebook. We all know what it is. A social network where you and your friends can interact and communicate over the internet. A more “mature” myspace some may call it. Now a days people invite other people to parties over facebook via events. This however was not organized. My good friend, Andy Yim, who drives this bagged Mazda6, made a status update on facebook saying something about his tripod. I commented saying “Photoshoot!” only being half serious about it. Andy replies saying “Yes! Today!” So two hours later, we met up and started snapping pictures in places we would discover just driving around. This is the result of that said photoshoot. Andy’s car is bagged, while mine is static. Mine isn’t as low as his is, and I’m jealous.

Andy brought us to this random road that leads to a dead and and thought it would be a great place for pictures. A random family came out of nowhere.

Andy (pictured on the right) takes a picture of our cars. I asked him to turn his wheel a little but and said that he couldn’t if it was all the way down. So he raised it a tiny but to get the wheel just to turn a little bit.

Click the link to read more and view more pictures!

Andy’s car all the way down. He couldn’t turn his front wheels anymore.

Fitment, which is what this site is about, is what some would say “on point”. Nothing extreme.

Andy directed most of the positioning of our cars.

We got kicked out by security in this area.

Broken front lip 🙁

The last shot to end the day. We would’ve continued but Andy did not have his tripod mount. So shooting came to a stop as it became too dark.

Fitment Game

36AirHoustonmazdaMazda3Mazda6SSR Vienna KreisStatictexasWork Emotion XD9XD9

1 Comment

  • Kaze, where did you get that front lip on the hatch 3? I just bought an 05 same color and i’d love to hear what you did to it for some ideas for mine. Absolutely sick ride. I know this article is mad old but I hope to hear from you!



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